Dock Facilities @ PYC

At great expense to the club and through the huge generosity of some of its members, the docking and ramp facilities have been vastly improved. It is our job as the Committee to protect these facilities and ensure that they are used in the manner that was intended. To this end we have decided that:

1. Dinghies of more than 120kg (including engine) shall not moor at the floating pontoons.
2. Dinghies may not be moored at the floating dock for more than 48 hours without prior permission.
3. Owners will check that their dinghies are not weighed down with rainwater.
4. The water facilities at the dock may be used to rinse boats (including the bottom of the boat) only.

From this weekend dinghies or other boats found to be abusing this facility will be moved to B dock which is a small group of floating pontoons opposite the club. This dock is not floating at low tide and the club will not be responsible for dinghies and other boats moved there.

The club provides space for dinghies to be stored and there are spaces available. Larger ribs etc. should use the marina at the town pier.

Please also be aware that on regatta days the longtail needs use of the outer T section of the pontoons to dock. Dinghies will be moved to facilitate this.

Thank you for your cooperation.
The Committee